A Collection of inspirational quotes & SMS

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Nothing Is Worth Without Struggle In Real Life

The duck looks smooth and calm on top of water, but
under that there is restless pedaling. 
Nothing is  worth without struggle in real life.

Happy I Am

Sweet I am..But Honey is You
Image is mine..But colors are Yours
Flower is me..But Fragrance is You
Happy I am..But Reason is You

Perfect person to love

People look for the perfect person to love..
But they fail to realize that
A person becomes Perfect 
when we begin to love them sincerely..

Dreams are like stars

Dreams are like Stars..
You may never touch them..
But if you follow them they will lead you to the  Destiny!

Don't Lose The Best

Valuable time and Lovable person are very precious in our life..!
Once we lost, they never come back again. 
So don't make even a trial to lose them.

Gods gift of life

Wrap a rainbow of joy in your heart,
Let the sun paint a smile on your face,
Remove all clouds of doubt and fear
And receive gods gift of life.

Good morning.

Funny sms

A man saw a board at the center of a river.
He tried to read.But he can't read it.
So, he swim into the river and read
"Crocodiles Inside - Don't Swim"

Life if making Tea

Life if making Tea..

Boil your Ego
Evaporate your Worries
Dilute your Sorrows
Filter you Mistakes

Get taste of Happiness

How Life Feels Without You

Its not necessary to run always behind people and show your love..
Some times even give space for them to realize your worth and know how life feels without you. 

Say Sorry Or Thank you

All say that true relationship we should never say sorry or thank you
But the real fact is that .. a relation remain forever by saying these two words a day!!

What Hurts The Most

The deepest cuts don't bleed
but hurt the most..

Beautiful Meaning To Life

Its not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life..
But the way someone touches your Heart gives Life  Beautiful Meaning To Life a Beautiful Meaning.

Wonderful Saying

Wonderful Saying:
Marriages may be made in "heaven".
But maintainance charges have to be paid on "earth".. :)

Good Night

As the day turns into night..
Keep your worries out of sight.
No matter how tough the world may seem..
You still deserve the sweetest dreams.
Good Night.


S - Say thanks to the God
L - Laying on the Bed
E - Eyes closed slowly
E - End of the Day
P - Plan for the next day
**Good Night**

Damn True

Truly said:
When you need someone desperately..no one has a minute to spend with you!
When you want to be alone..people will have a life to spend with you!

You Are In Love

When you are wrong and you surrender..you are honest.
When you are in doubt and you surrender..you are wise.
But when you are right and you surrender..YOU ARE IN LOVE!

Dream, Hope and Love

Life ends when you stop dreaming.
Hope ends when you stop believing.
And Love ends when you stop caring.
So Dream, Hope and Love makes life Beautiful.

Good Bye

Sweet part in life is to carry all the memories in life..
but toughest part is to GOOD BYE to the person behind those memories.

I Just Miss You

I miss the laugh I used to get from you..
I miss the talks we used to have..
And above all, I just MISS YOU!

Think Positive

 "The greatest advantage of speaking truth is that you don't have to remember what you said"

Hence, lying increases your memory power!


Attitude Makes The Difference

When it rains all birds occupy shelter.
But Eagle is the only bird avoid the rain by flying above the clouds.
Problem is common to all.
But ATTITUDE makes the difference.

Mornings Are Refreshing Like Friendship

Mornings are refreshing like friendship.
It may not stay all day long,
But for sure it comes forever every day.
**Good Morning**

want to be happy

Shakespeare said:

"If you want to be happy with a man... Love him less And Understand more.
If you want to be happy with a woman..Love her more And Never Try to Understand Her."

Keep smiling..

Rules Of Life

Seven cardinal rules of life:

1. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

2. What other people think of you is none of your business.

3. Time heals almost everything. Give Time.

4. No one is incharge of your happiness except you.

5. Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

6. STOP thinking too much, its ALRIGHT not to know all the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

7. Smile :) You don't own all the problems in the world..

No One is Perfect

People say "Find good friends and leave bad ones"
But, what I say is.. Find the good in your friends and leave the bad in them!

Remember: No One Is PERFECT!

Sweet Words

Sweet words but they are difficult say in life..

1. Hello for the first time to unknown person.

2. Good bye for the last time to loved ones.

Let your heart be happy always

Heart is not a basket for keeping tension and sadness..

Its a golden box for keeping roses of happiness..

Let your heart be happy always..

Believe in yourself

Never believe what the lines on your hands predict about your future,
Because people who don't have hands also have a future..

Believe in yourself!!

Makes You Feel Happy

Some things make you feel more happy..
Sometimes the same things make you hurt more..

Its not the things change..
Its the way we feel!!

Golden words of success

Golden words of success:

See the clock only when you have no work..
Don't see the clock when you are working..

Clock is a lock for success!

Nice person

Don't judge the person by what others says.
The person may true to you but not others.
Because the same sun which melts the ice, hardens the day too..



మనసు కవ్వించే కావ్యమా..
నన్ను కదిలించిన భావమా..
కన్నుల్లో మెరిసే రూపమా..
రుచి చూడాలనిపించే మాధురిమా..
అందుకో నా ఈ స్నేహాంజలి..

Silence of my Friend

In The Time Of Crisis U Was Not Hurt by The Harsh Words Of My ENEMIES, But The Silence Of My Friends..

Even The Sweetest Chocolate Expires

Sweet SMS
When someone is so sweet to you, don't expect that they will be like that all the time..

Because even the sweetest chocolate has an expiry date..